We hope the following will disseminate Stewardship information for St. Edward the Confessor parish in Granville, Ohio. You can read about the ministries available and active at St. Edward's, sign up for new ministries at St. Edward's, and/or submit questions about our Stewardship program.
We hope you find this information helpful!
The true measure of a successful stewardship parish must be viewed one parishioner at a time. As parishioners’ hearts are opened to the TRUTH about the Gospel message of stewardship exemplified in the life of Christ, their actions cause a positive ripple effect in their families, their work, their Church, their community, their country, and the world. This occurs as the gifts of the Holy Spirit work through them causing positive changes in ALL aspects of their lives.
Stewardship is a way of life, honoring God in everything we do with all His gifts, living life God-centered rather than self-centered. Stewardship is having the heart to give back out of love a portion of every gift that has been entrusted to us by God. A life of Stewardship is a life dedicated to God, a life lived in a Parish for which we take personal responsibility – for its life, its actions, its work in the community, its impact on the world. If we understand our role as Stewards of God’s gifts, we are passionately involved in our Parish community, even as we are involved in our towns and cities, in our neighborhoods and work environments.
Remember, the real goal of Stewardship is to change our lives - commitment to the Stewardship journey will change your life forever!
St. Edward's Ministries
St. Edward's currently approximately sixty ministries accepting volunteers. There are opportunities in liturgy and worship, such as altar servers, choirs, Eucharistic Ministers, gift bearers and lectors. There are service and sharing opportunities such as the Caring Committee, Funeral Luncheons committee, Prayer Chain, and St. Vincent de Paul. There are several Christian Formation ministries, such as RCIA, Parish School of Religion, Adult Faith Formation, Men's Faith-Sharing Group, and Vacation Bible School. Parish and social activities include Knights of Columbus, Women of St. Edward, St. Gianni's Mothers Group, Welcome Ministry, Edwardians, Fish Fries, and Lenten Soup Suppers. And finally, there are many areas of general service tapped as needed in the parish, including building maintenance- help with grounds, rosary garden and flowers, baking for parish events, mailings and phone calling assistance. There's something for everyone here, so plan now to share your talents with us by signing up for some of our many ministries.
To make volunteering easy, we've included on this website an online volunteer form. Please see our ministries on our website and consider joining the ministries of your choice HERE. Or, you can print it, fill it in, and drop it off at the Parish Office, or in any weekend collection basket.
Looking to be a part of one of our minsitries? Sign up on Flocknote or use our ministry sign up form: Sign up form